Thursday 8 April 2010


so, lifes pretty crap at the moment. so i have resulted to telling all my problems to my computer. who at times is my only friend .
I mean i could go tell everyone, but i dont want sympathy. and this blog just sits there. and listens. theres some weird satisfaction i get from it.
I mean, this phase of me being a weird depressed bitch will probobly fade over tomorow, seeing as i start my new job tomorow, so will have something else on the brain. Whearas now, list of things swirling round in my head. 1. Those twats who we call 'Males' 2.This shithole of a house me and my family live in. although i woudnt call it a family anymore. and 3. Me. Im begginging this weird stage of being very conscious of my looks and thinking that im not'good enough'. you know.

Although i do like my bottom :/
(although no fucker wants it. ) haha

I might not have alot, but i dont ask for alot either. I still havnt got my 16th birthday present, simply cause my parents are skint, along with half a million people, but there being the other half of stuck of arseholes who dont give a shit. One name comes to mind.
All i want at the moment, is to be happy. i want a home. not a house. a HOME.
I wish that i was able to talk to my dad. but i cant.
and it sounds pathetic. but i want a boyfriend.

' i want a few hugs and kisses and reasurance. yeah im only 16 and occurding to adults im 'too young' but i dont care. I want a pair of arms wrapped round me at night. and not a dickhead. but i only seem to attract them. HAH

Im going now. Suppose gotta go greet the parents, and im pretty hungry. so ill speak later.